50pcs pink & baby blue set
200pcs ready to go. As said earlier, the 11" x 11" x 2.5" box only fits 42pcs mini souffle cake. So, I put balance 32pcs in 10" x 10" x 2.5" box.
Thks again to Aishah and her mom. Hope everyone enjoyed & satisfied.
50pcs pink & baby blue set
200pcs ready to go. As said earlier, the 11" x 11" x 2.5" box only fits 42pcs mini souffle cake. So, I put balance 32pcs in 10" x 10" x 2.5" box.
Thks again to Aishah and her mom. Hope everyone enjoyed & satisfied.
Nak enter-frame jugak..
Supaya tak berebut2, buat 1 design je. Lilin, sinonim dgn perumpamaan yg diberi utk cikgu. Sanggup membakar diri utk menerangi org lain.
16pcs Medium Souffle Cup, Choco Moist, Buttercream Frosting, Fondant Deco
Dlm teko ada cuppy saiz mini.
Ordered from Umie for her mother in law. I choose the color for her. Hmm.. very soft, pastel color, ssuai utk ibu2. I wish, semoga mnjadi menantu kesygan, amin. (semoga berjaya menjadi..haha..)
Yana from JP Perdana order for her mom. Special request from Yana, she wants green kebaya & 2 cups fully roses. Hope U & ur mom like it.
Ain from Larkin wish to give her mom a box of pink roses. So, this is what she gets.